Located at Beazley Reserve located on Thames Promenade, Chelsea Heights with 6 en-tout-cas tennis courts.
Our courts are situated at Beazley Reserve located on Thames Promenade, Chelsea Heights.
We have 6 en-tout-cas tennis courts, 4 of which have lights. Our clubrooms have kitchen, bathroom and showering facilities. Our courts are available to individuals or groups for public hire.
Our club competes in the Moorabbin, Bayside, Dandenong and Peninsula Districts Tennis Associations. All competition is played on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sundays.
Our club has a Professional Coach and coaching is held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Private and group lessons are available as well as intensive school holiday coaching clinics.
Our committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the clubrooms. Our club coach conducts private and group lessons on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with special, intensive coaching clinics over the holidays.
Our club has a sense of pride and is community based. We welcome all members and non-members.